I Don’t Care If You Don’t Read This

Kristopher Keyes
2 min readOct 1, 2022

I’m getting my reps in

a kid flexing muscles confidently
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Today, I’m not going to bed without putting work in.

This piece is about looking tired in the face and saying (bleep) you!

You’ll never write 1,000 things if you can’t write one thing when the stars aren’t aligned for you.

The abyss can have a few pieces…okay more than a few but that’s part of the gig too.

I have to grow. Wait…that’s too much pressure.

I WANT to grow. That’s a choice. A goal to work toward.

See the difference?

This piece is dedicated to those who wish to have a better writing habit.

Stop wishing and start wanting.

Viral? Shhh…

Don’t make me laugh and shit at the same time.

Get a rhythm first.

Then focus on a problem…like not writing enough about anything but wanting to write.

Should I have published this scatter-brained hot mess?

You better believe it. Because it feels good as (bleep.)

Am I splitting the atom here? Nope!

But I’m working out and building writer muscles.

I’ll be ripped in no time…actually in a lot of time.

Imagine how far you’d be if on every journey you turned around after five feet.

Here’s to giving tired and lazy the “bird” tonight.



Kristopher Keyes

I write to be free and share to help others. Enjoying the journey one day at a time.